Beckman Coulter - LH750/LH780


Nombre De Equipo-Marca

LH750/LH780 - Beckman Coulter

Nombre Del P32


Sistema de Control de Calidad


Nombre Corto de Equipo (7 caracteres)


Tipo de conexión


Configuración del Cable


Cables disponibles en almacén

  • Cable blindado para interfaz db9-db9 (null modem) de 4 metros link specs

  • Cable blindado para interfaz db9-db9 (null modem) de 8 metros link specs

  • Cable blindado para interfaz db9-db9 (null modem) de 15 metros link specs

Configuración del Equipo

  • 3.3 TIME-OUT The time-out value determines the amount of time the LH SeriesWorkstation waits for a response from the host before retrying to send data to the host. The LH SeriesWorkstation continues to transmit at the time-out intervals until the host successfully receives the data. The time-out values are 30, 60, and 90 seconds. The default value is 90 seconds.

  • 3.4 BAUD RATE The following baud rates are supported: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400. Note: The minimum recommended baud rate is 2400 for non-graphic transmissions and 9600 Baud for graphic transmissions.

  • 3.5 DATA BITS Host Communication can be configured for 7 or 8 bit mode.

  • 3.6 PARITY Odd, Even, and Off (None) parity modes are supported. Odd parity is the default value.

  • 3.7 STOP BITS None, 1, or 2 Stop Bit modes are supported. The default value is 2.

  • 3.8 HANDSHAKE This option determines whether or not the LH SeriesWorkstation looks for a handshake from the host computer. See Heading 4.1, Data-Link, for additional information.

  • 3.9 BLOCK SIZE The LH SeriesWorkstation/Host Communications support block sizes of 128 and 256 bytes. The default value is 256 bytes.

  • 3.10 GRAPHICS The LH SeriesWorkstation allows DIFF and Retic graphic transmission if the compatibility format selected is the LH SeriesWorkstation format. Table 3.2 lists the graphic items that can be enabled or disabled for the corresponding test based on the current compatibility format and report profile selected.

Configuración del Código de Barras

Retransmitir Resultados


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